Agriculture Department
This is a very busy department at the Agency.Its' activities range from the Organisation down to the farmers groups located at village level. The list below shows the farmers' groups being supported by ASDI:-
- Adel Women group.......................Minakulu
- Amwa Women Guild.....................Minakulu
- Wigwa Mothers Union..................Aboke
- Acan We Iwor Women Group.......Loro
- Aor nga Combine.........................Nambieso
- Imaki Ocung Ikwan......................Nambieso
- Oribcing Combine Group..............Otwal
- Opur oyele women Group..............Chegere
- Abutaber Farmers........................Chegere
- Barapwo Mix...............................Inomo
- Tingwangi Women Group.............Inomo
- Ryem can Ikweri..........................Abongomola
- Onot Can.......................................Chawente
- Ocan Onote....................................Chawente
- Apur yele.......................................Apac Sub County
- Too Irwot.......................................Apac Sub County.
- Awinya Meri...................................Apac Sub County
- Akwat Aber....................................Apac Sub County
- Atopi women at work......................Apac subcounty
- Kica Arwot......................................Apac Town
- Obanga Pe Wany..............................Ibuje
- Aweikoko.......................................Ibuje
- Amia Agro......................................Aduku
Mr. Salvatore from CESVI giving farmers hints on how Sack Garden works